Accumulator in Four Languages

The Problem

Implementing accumulator using closure.

The Solutions

Common Lisp

As strongly influenced by Lambda Calculus, it's straight forward in Lisp family.

1 ; No. 1
2 (defun accumulator (n)
3   (lambda (i)
4     (setf n (+ n i))))
6 ; No. 2
7 (defun accumulator (n)
8   (lambda (i) (incf n i)))


As a pure-functional language, changing data in place in Haskell needs more work and Monad's, it's usually not recommended.

 1 import Data.IORef
 3 accumulator :: Num a => a -> IO (a -> IO a)
 4 accumulator n = do
 5     s <- newIORef n
 6     return (\i -> do
 7         modifyIORef s (i+)
 8         readIORef s)
10 main :: IO ()
11 main = do
12     a <- accumulator 10
13     a 12
14     sum <- a 20
15     print sum


In Python 2, Without the help of nonlocal, changing immutable free variable inside a closure needs some hack.

Changing immutable free variable is such a contradictory, horrible phrase, while technically correct, "rebinding a name (inside a closure)" maybe more understandable to Python users.

 1 # python 3.x
 2 def accumulator(n):
 3     def acc(i):
 4         nonlocal n
 5         n += i
 6         return n
 7     return acc
 9 # python 2.x, No. 1
10 def accumulator(n):
11     def acc(i):
12         acc.s += i
13         return acc.s
14     acc.s = n
15     return acc
17 # python 2.x, No. 2
18 def accumulator(n):
19     def acc(i, n=[n]):
20         n[0] += i
21         return n[0]
22     return acc
24 # python 2.x, No. 3
25 def accumulator(n):
26     s = [n]
27     def acc(i):
28         s[0] += i
29         return s[0]
30     return acc


Including output to stdout, just for fun.

 1 delegate int AccuFunc(int i);
 3 AccuFunc accumulator(int n) {
 4     return (i) => n += i;
 5 }
 7 void main() {
 8     int[] numbers = {2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 20};
 9     var a = accumulator(0);
10     foreach (var i in numbers)
11         stdout.printf("%2d + %2d = %2d\n", a(0), i, a(i));
12     stdout.printf("The Ultimate Answer is %d.\n", a(0));
13 }

The sole purpose of this post is for testing the capability of syntax highlighting of Pygments.