Sum of Every Digit of a Number in Python

Inspired by yet another homework question posted in one of Baidu's forum.


Python Newbie, ex-C Programmer

#int n = 1952, s = 0;
n = 1952;
s = 0;
while (n):
    s += n % 10;
    n /= 10;
#while (n /= 10);

print("%d\n" % s);

Two hours later...

#int n = 1952, s = 0;
n = 1952;
s = 0;
while (n):
    s += n % 10;
    # need this to be compatible with python 3, I HATE python!!!
    n = (int)(n/10);
    #n /= 10;
#while (n /= 10);

print("%d\n" % s);

Two weeks later...

n = 1952
s = 0
string = "%d" % n
for c in string:
    s += (int)(c)


Yet another week...

s = 0
for c in str(1952):
    s += int(c)


Python Newbie, ex-Lisp Programmer

print (sum (map (int, (list (str (1952))))))

Two days later...

>>> sum(map(int, str(1952)))

Python Newbie, ex-Lisp Expert

print (reduce (int.__add__, (map (int, (list (str (1952)))))))

Perl Programmer

$ python -c 'print sum(map(int,str(1952)))'

Python Newbie, ex-Java Programmer

import sys

class Accumulator(object):
    def __init__(self, num):

    def addNum(self, num):
        tmp = self.getTotal()
        self.setTotal(tmp + num)

    def checkType(self, num):
        if type(num) != int:
            raise ValueError("num must be number")

    def getTotal(self):
        return self._total

    def setTotal(self, num):
        self._total = num

    def toString(self):
        return str(self.getTotal())

class Main(object):
    def main(self, args):
        num = 1952
        total = Accumulator(0)
        while num > 0:
            total.addNum(num % 10)
            num = int(num / 10)

        result = total.toString()
        result = result + '\n'


Hipster, Just Learned List Comprehension

print sum([int(i) for i in str(1952)])

Python Veteran

print sum(int(i) for i in str(1952))

Me, Arty Dude(文藝青年), Python 2 Version

(lambda (i):
    (sum (map (int ,(list (str (i))))))

Yours Truly, again, Python 3 Version

  ((lambda i:
     (sum (map (int ,(list (str (i)))))))